Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Central City South Quality of Life Plan from the beginning…

The Central City South Quality of Life Plan (CCS QLP) is part of the Phoenix Neighborhood Development Collaborative (PNDC) now known simply as Neighborhood Develpment Collaborative (NDC).   The collaboration came about based on previous examples done nationally in other communities.  The intent was to put together a group of funders that would funnel a larger amount of money in a larger span of time to a concentrated area, in order to make a significant impact. Phoenix Revitalization Corporation (PRC) was one of two agencies in the City of Phoenix that were selected in May 2008 to be a part of this collaborative. 
PRC’s community work through the Communities for All Ages Initiative (CFAA) that included a Leadership Academy and Annual Leadership Conference for all of the academy graduates as well as other programs such as; the Neighborhood Clean Ups, Central City South Newsletter and Community Action Team demonstrated the agency’s history connecting with the community.  Additionally, as the development of Downtown Phoenix took place, communities surrounding the area such as Central City South (CCS) were bound to see the changes as well.  This area which had been neglected for many decades was starting to surge as a place for opportunity, for economic development and new construction and preparing the existing community for what was to come became vital towards maintaining the rich history it was founded on.
From the PNDC application, PRC stated:
“It is our vision that CCS is a desirable place to live in by current and future residents of all income levels and embraces diversity within all ages and ethnic backgrounds.  We envision a community that is healthier than it’s ever been.  For this community, healthier means less crime, and blight, more amenities that meet the needs of all who live in it, safe affordable mixed income housing, a healthier environment and a recognition and celebration of its rich cultural history.”
Our aspirations for this community were heard and the opportunity was granted for us to continue working towards this goal.  Thank you to all the members of the NDC that envisioned the potential of this community!

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